- Cortical adenoma
- Angiomyolipoma
- Upper tract TCC
- Nephroblastoma
- Squamous CA of renal pelvis
Cortical adenoma
- Discovered incidentally, mostly found on autopsy
- Less than 1 cm without malignant features (pea like)
- Symptoms are unusual
Microscopically uniform basophilic or acidophilic with monotonous nuclear and cellular composition
Renal angiomyolipoma
- May occur alone or a part of tuberous sclerosis
- Hamartomas composed of fat, smooth muscle, and blood vessels
- AML may be found in the eyes, heart, lung and bone
- Malignant Tumors
Wilms tumor (nephroblastoma)
Peak age:2-5 years
Risk factors
. WAGR syndrome-Wilms tumor, aniridia, genital anomalies, and mental retardation
. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
.Tumor suppressor genes
. WT-l (llp13)
. WT-2 (llp15)
Gross: large solitary tan mass
1. Metanephric blastema
ii. Epithelial elements (immature glomeruli and tubules)
iii. Stroma
Abdominal mass
Metastasis occurs early, mainly to lungs.
Urography or
Nephrectomy followed by radiation with or without chemotherapy
If B/L tumor: Partial Nephrectomy
Prognosis: excellent; long-term survival rate of 90%
- Male: Female 2:1
- 40-60 years of age
Risk factors
i. Cigarette smoking
ii. Chronic analgesic use
iii. Asbestos exposure
iv. Chronic renal failure and acquired cystic disease
v. Von Hippel- Lindau disease
. Large solitary yellow mass found in the poles (most commonly in the upper pole: most common site- PCT)
. Areas of necrosis and hemorrhage are commonly present
. The tumor often invades the renal vein and may extend into the vena cava and heart
Clear cell types
- more than 80%
- polygonal or round cells with clear cytoplasm
Papillary variant
- 14% of RCC
- macroscopic feature-small, confined to cortex and nearly completely encapsulated
- Micro: papillae covered by small cells with scanty cytoplasm, arranged in a single layer on the papillary basement membrane with low nuclear grade
- aggressive behavior and poor prognosis
- microscopic features- spindle cell pattern
Chromophobe variant
- 4% of RCC
- microscopic features light and transparent cytoplasm
- better prognosis
Signs and symptoms
Classic triad (pain, lump and hematuria) is found only in 10% cases
Weight loss, fever, hematuria, night sweats and sudden development of varicocele
Paraneoplastic syndromes from ectopic hormone production
. Polycythemia(erythropoietin production)
. Hypertension (renin production)
. Cushing syndrome (corticosteroid synthesis)
. Hypercalcemia (PTH-like hormone)
. Feminization or masculinization (gonadotropin release)
High incidence of metastasis on initial presentation
May cause amyloidosis, a leukemoid reaction, or eosinophilia
CT scan
- Renal Angiogram
- CX-Ray
- Bone scan
- RCC is highly resistant to radio and chemotherapy
- Nephrectomy with removal of the perinephric fat